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So you are getting your scoot ready for the final showing of the year, or just a good cleaning before it’s time to put her to sleep for the winter months. You want to get under her and clean all of the little areas, but lying on the concrete is just getting old and all you get is sore bones. Yes you are getting some of you scoot clean as it started out being a great idea, but as the day wears on you start to loose that gusto you once started with. I was feeling the same way, so I went out and looked at a number of bike lifts.
Looking at the lifts that are out on the market today is really something, and can take up days when you want to get down and see, touch and handle them before laying down the bucks. Now you start to look at them you find out that you can get one that is made out of aluminum or steel with rubber wheels or do you want ones that are solid wheels. How high do you want to lift your bikes, is another question. What other things can you do with the lift, maintenance, repairs or just moving your scoots around so you can park them next to each other.

Now you are beginning to see the dilemma, and the biggest one of all would be to have your scoot up in the air and come's crashing down. After all some of the lifts don’t even offer a place to tie down the bike, which seems strange since they can lift a bike some twenty inches off of the ground, and that measurement is to the bottom of the tires
Then reading about some of the ones out on the market today, there have been reports that the wheels have broken into pieces while moving the bike around on the lift. Causing the bike to fall from the lift as the lift drops from what was once a wheel. Others where they had problems when they were lifting there bike up and the metal for the outrigger begins to bend between the lift and the area where the wheel is mounted. Is this due to lifting to much weight, again another dilemma, because if you get one that is rated for 900 pounds and later you want to buy a heavier bike, or as a friend did and did not read all of the material before buying his lift. Having a new 1800 Gold Wing and a lift that cannot lift it, then having a time trying to sell it is another story
So what did I end up with you ask, well I narrowed it down to a couple of lifts that are on the market. The all Aluminum model was looking real nice as it is light weight, and can do a nice job, able to lift 1500 pounds and can move the bikes like they are toys. Then the Craftsman from you know who, yes it is a real nice lift and the one I ended up with. Not pushing any brand but I looked at it in several different areas from the three different locking positive positions, having four area where tie downs can be used. Having a removable handle, and all steel wheels. Lifting capabilities 1500 pounds and my Gold Wing weighting in a 928 pounds was lifted with ease.
You can move the lift in under the bike with ease, but placing it in the correct position will take practice, as you will think that the center of balance should be in another position. I have found that I was able to get the CBX up to where the measurement from the floor to the bottom on my grips are was 57 inches and I am running a sports kit. Removal of the front or rear wheels is a dream, had the front off in less than fifteen minutes from the start of putting the lift under the bike. The Wing took a little more work as I had to find that center of balance, and that was a long way from where I though it would be. I did find that center of balance and I had it up all the way so one can see just how much weight and how high they can lift a bike.
Prices out there today run from $250.00 to $75.00 but remember it’s not how much you pay, it’s the quality and the warranty. Just something I consider when looking for a new tool, and the ease of exchange if there is a problem with the product. I was also able to be a little on the cheep side with the one from Sears, because of the craftsman tool card and the discount that was offered. Bragging a little, but I did go out the door for under a “C” note for the (young guys that’s a $100.00 bill) with taxes included, not bad I think, as it is now a lot easier on my bones not having to lay on the concrete floor, with or without carpeting. Then trying to get up as they sure are not what they once were. All in all a new lift in the house is better for all, you can get your work on the scoot done and still feel like helping the better half of the family.
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