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Randakks Cycle Shakk

Posted on Tuesday, November 09 @ 01:05:46 EST by administrator

Technical dkrager writes "

By Tom "The Rocketman" Whaley

Greetings Fellow CBX’ers,

It has been a while since I have written anything for my fellow CBX’ers so I thought I would share what I have accomplished rebuilding the early model clutch baskets. It is a well-known fact that the rubber isolators in the early model clutch baskets become hard and shrink in size. When this happens we pickup that all to familiar clutch rattle at idle. Synchronizing the carburetors help quite things down a bit but it is not the total answer.

There is another place however where the clutch basket tends to wear so the isolator rubbers are not totally at fault. The clutch plates themselves wear notches in the clutch basket where each finger of the clutch plates make contact with the clutch basket. This is another problem to try and solve some other time.

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