Twin turbo CBX's at Carson City,NV.--whodathunkit?
Viewed: 5290 times.
SR71CBX's black '79 turbo and dkrager's red '79 turbo in background.
Viewed: 4480 times.
3 guesses as to which bike the red helmet goes with......!!!
Twin turbos ready for action!
Viewed: 4551 times.
The business end of Dave & Mark's turbo CBX's.
Viewed: 4651 times.
The turbo contingent in the breezeway at Carson City the 98 degree heat!
Viewed: 4660 times.
"Lurking in the shadows....."Dave's cherry '79 turbo CBX.
Viewed: 4458 times.
Dropping into Owens Valley and Bishop,CA.
Viewed: 4512 times.
On final approach to Bishop,CA.
Viewed: 4493 times.
Main Drag-Virginia City,NV.
Viewed: 4632 times.