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Feature Site

David Silver Sapres

 Death Valley 2004 

Result from one voter
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Linda's expertise paid off!Alternator passed inspection. - 1 voter (3.00) BAR
Badwater---Eric Schreiner,Linda Theisen,and Rod Libby at a low point in their ride.....LOL!!
Badwater---Eric Schreiner,Linda Theisen,and Rod Libby at a low point in their ride.....LOL!!
Viewed: 5392 times.

Rod Libby,Amy & Pete Wittstruck,Eric Schreiner,and Linda Theisen at the summit of SR4--long ways down and steep hill!
Rod Libby,Amy & Pete Wittstruck,Eric Schreiner,and Linda Theisen at the summit of SR4--long ways down and steep hill!
Viewed: 4840 times.

Beating the 108 degree heat in the shade at Furnace Creek Resort--got another cold one??
Beating the 108 degree heat in the shade at Furnace Creek Resort--got another cold one??
Viewed: 4684 times.

Rod Libby,Darrell Peck,Linda Theisen,and Ed Lee at Dante's View before sunrise.
Rod Libby,Darrell Peck,Linda Theisen,and Ed Lee at Dante's View before sunrise.
Viewed: 5266 times.

Ed Lee,Darrell Peck,Rod Libby,Linda Theisen,and Jeff Ellmore at Dante's View-sunrise over Death Valley!
Ed Lee,Darrell Peck,Rod Libby,Linda Theisen,and Jeff Ellmore at Dante's View-sunrise over Death Valley!
Viewed: 5003 times.

Death Valley Nat'l Park--east entrance-Rod Libby and Linda Theisen with their rides.Eric Schreiner's 'Wing at right.
Death Valley Nat'l Park--east entrance-Rod Libby and Linda Theisen with their rides.Eric Schreiner's 'Wing at right.
Viewed: 4745 times.

Eric Schreiner preps his blue 'Wing for the DV run.
Eric Schreiner preps his blue 'Wing for the DV run.
Viewed: 4637 times.

Quality Inn-Ridgecrest,CA.-Death Valley bound
Quality Inn-Ridgecrest,CA.-Death Valley bound
Viewed: 4990 times.

Ed Lee returning from the gas station in Ridgecrest
Ed Lee returning from the gas station in Ridgecrest
Viewed: 4566 times.

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