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Feature Site

 Del Mar Concours d' Elegance 2004 

Result of 6 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Another view of the CBX paddock at Del Mar. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(2) Dave Krager's "Solid Six" turbo '79 X. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) "Espresso,my ass!Gimme Pepsi any day!" Mark Miller kicks it momentarily during the early hours. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(4) Chris Mee's stout black '80 CBX w/6:6 pipes. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(5) The banner adorns our area.Thanx,Jeff! - 1 voter (4.00) BAR
Front row:Chris Mee,John Aguliar,Glen Gerdes,Lawton Chin,Jim Bigger,Mark Miller,Jeff Ellmore,Noel Mechelin.
Back row:Pete Rose,Dave Krager.
Good showing guys!
Front row:Chris Mee,John Aguliar,Glen Gerdes,Lawton Chin,Jim Bigger,Mark Miller,Jeff Ellmore,Noel Mechelin.
Back row:Pete Rose,Dave Krager.
Good showing guys!
Viewed: 6029 times.

Another shot of our
Another shot of our "work area".....LOL!
Viewed: 4951 times.

This is what spectators saw when they entered the east concourse area......CBX's!!
This is what spectators saw when they entered the east concourse area......CBX's!!
Viewed: 4887 times.

Could we have a slight edge with the judges?
Could we have a slight edge with the judges?
Viewed: 5066 times.

"Here come da judge......!!!"Pete Rose's cherry '79 CBX is the first to fall under the axe.....
Viewed: 4860 times.

A sight to behold......9 CBX's at Del Mar '04!
A sight to behold......9 CBX's at Del Mar '04!
Viewed: 4902 times.

Another view of the CBX paddock at Del Mar.
Another view of the CBX paddock at Del Mar.
Viewed: 5120 times.

The banner adorns our area.Thanx,Jeff!
The banner adorns our area.Thanx,Jeff!
Viewed: 5164 times.

ICOA and CBXWorld's banners will prove to be a magnet for spectators later in the day.
ICOA and CBXWorld's banners will prove to be a magnet for spectators later in the day.
Viewed: 5056 times.

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