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Feature Site

Randakks Cycle Shakk

 Palm Springs 2004 "A tale of 2 seasons" 

Result of 2 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Wind powered generator units in Cabazon Pass near Palm Springs. - 2 voters (5.00) BAR
(2) DD,Dwight,Lori,Darrell,Tammy,Monika,and Noel just hanging out up on the top of the mountain in the balmy 32 degree weather. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
Life is good.......Palm Springs on a warm fall afternoon.
Life is good.......Palm Springs on a warm fall afternoon.
Viewed: 5541 times.

The "crew" indulging in some of BagMan's infamous salsa and cold Heinekens by the pool in Palm Springs.
Viewed: 4928 times.

Good people,good times,and good bikes......this is what it's all about!
Good people,good times,and good bikes......this is what it's all about!
Viewed: 4656 times.

Dave"DD"Foster goes for the killer hot salsa......munchie time!!
Viewed: 4835 times.

Dwight Bagley concentrates on snuffing out his cigarette while his lady Lori and Noel Mechellin look on.
Dwight Bagley concentrates on snuffing out his cigarette while his lady Lori and Noel Mechellin look on.
Viewed: 4909 times.

Darrell Peck looks like he is gonna pass out from the hike to the tramway entrance......
Darrell Peck looks like he is gonna pass out from the hike to the tramway entrance......
Viewed: 4703 times.

sr71cbx and gang entering the entrance to the gondola car to go up top for dinner Sat.nite.
sr71cbx and gang entering the entrance to the gondola car to go up top for dinner Sat.nite.
Viewed: 4807 times.

Gift shop complete with miniature tram cars inside.
Gift shop complete with miniature tram cars inside.
Viewed: 4876 times.

Mark Miller anxiously contemplates the tram ride.
Mark Miller anxiously contemplates the tram ride.
Viewed: 4789 times.

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