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Posted on Sunday, July 31 @ 17:30:59 EDT by administrator

Rally News slippery writes "

Hi guys. Last weekend 22-24th July was the UK CBX rally held in the lovely flat, barren, windy and characterless lands of Lincolnshire (only joking). The weather was reasonable with a good turn out of members. The quality of the bikes was amazing. It was a good weekend with a good bunch of lads and lasses,plenty of beer, excellent bands (especially Friday) and more CBX talk than anybody could wish for. We had a spirited ride out on the Saturday to the air museum at Newark, and nobody fell off this year

I've attached a couple of pictures to this post, and I've put a few more in a personal album. >Here< I didn't bother with any of the excellent standard CBX's that were there cause we all know what they look like don't we (sorry lads) but concentrated on the non-standard bikes. If any of you UK guys visit this site and reconise your bikes, let us know, post some details of what you've done, and what bits you've altered I'm sure there will be plenty of interest



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