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Posted on Wednesday, October 12 @ 17:01:35 EDT by administrator

Rally News DynoDan writes "

Hello CBXers: Just a short note to invite everyone to an upcoming ride.

On Saturday, November 12th, I’ll be leading a day ride to Julian, CA via Anza Borrego. After lunch at the Anza Borrego Resort, we head up the back way to Julian (apple capital of Southern California) for some apple pie and ice-cream.

Here are some details: There will be two start points. The first start will leave from the Lookout (above Lake Elsinore) promptly at 9:15 AM. Get there early for a cup of coffee and introductions. From the lookout, we drop down to make our way to Hwy 79 in Temecula. Go East on Hwy 79 (about a mile) to the Shell/Del Taco (right side of 79) for a 10:00 AM start. Rider instructions and route maps will be given out before leaving Temecula.

If you plan to go, or need more details, drop me a line at

Hope to see you all on November 12th.

Regards, Dan “DynoDan” Clark

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