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dkrager writes "
PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) Wrenching Session, Saturday, January 28 in Mound, MN.
Linda Theisen has again offered to host another ever popular tech session at her home. It's an opportunity to get together to experience first hand how to properly maintain the Concours, talk bikes and maybe plan some rides for the riding season.
Send us your suggestions for things you would like to see covered. We know right now that we will cover how to pull the carbs for cleaning, and rebuilding the front brakes. However, we are looking for a donor bike that needs some work performed on it that would make for a good hands on learning experience.
There will be a swap table for motorcycle related parts and paraphernalia, convert your unused stuff to cash.
The wrenching session will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A CBX tech session follows, Coggers are welcome to stay late.
Linda's address is 1367 North Arm Drive, Mound, Minnesota. Take Hwy. 394 west past Hwy. 494. Exit on County Road 15 west. County Road 15 winds thru the lakes for about 5 miles to the first stop light at the town of Navarre, take a right at the stop light on County Road 19 for about 1.5 miles until it comes to a T in the road. Take a left at the T, continuing on 19. In about two blocks there is a sharp "S" curve, go straight at the top of the S curve on county road 151, also known as North Arm Drive. From the top of the curve Linda's green rambler house is 3/10 of a mile down on the left. It has a half round deck on the front :-)
Chili and beverages provided. Contact Linda at ridecbx@frontiernet.net or 952-472-0470
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