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UK CBX Riders Club

Posted on Saturday, November 19 @ 22:42:37 EST by administrator

Rally News dkrager writes "

The Time: Saturday January 28 and Sunday January 29, 2006
(Snow Dates February 4 & 5)
Start time 10:00 AM Saturday. Coffee from 9 AM

The Place: 378 Main Street, Edwardsville, PA
Driving Instructions at this link:

The Hosts: Mark Sproul ( ) ,
Dennis McCartney, Mickey Cohen, Jack Gutshall,
Dave McMunn and of course the wives!

The Plan: We are planning an All Star Technical Event!

We plan on demonstrating some interesting CBX Technical work in several different work sessions. In one we will install a big bore Arias Piston Kit (from Bob Franzke at CBX Performance) and one of the new Probe Ignition Systems (From Jim Zemanek at Cincycycles) on a CBXMAN customers’ bike. In another work session we will demonstrate how to adjust the CBX valves and cam chains and in another we will do an alternator brush installation. In addition to these projects we encourage anyone to bring existing projects or bikes they are having problems with.

We would have no problem doing a complete overhaul of an engine over the course of the two days. We are also planning on finishing Mike Barone’s radical CBX Dawg during this event. If you are bringing a bike to the event please tell us in advance what you are bringing so that we can be prepared with the necessary parts and tools. Send an email to both Mark Sproul at and to Dennis McCartney at

Where to Stay: Because the local hotels change their rates on a weekly basis it is not possible for us to make arrangements for group rates. We suggest the following because they have the lowest prices and are closest to the interstate:
Red Roof Inn-Route 315 Wilkes Barre 1-570-829-6422
Hampton Inn-Route 315 Wilkes-Barre 1-570-825-3838

There are many other motels and hotels in Wilkes-Barre but you will find these to be the most convenient.

Registration: Please send an email to to both Mark and Dennis letting us know if you will be attending. There will be a rally fee of $15.00 to help cover the cost of coffee in the mornings and pizza with soft drinks for lunch.


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