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UK CBX Riders Club

Posted on Tuesday, July 11 @ 16:56:17 EDT by administrator

Rally News cbxjack writes "

Hi Folks;

I have finally nailed down the details for the fall rally to be held at the Sonestown Inn again this year. The dates are from Friday 9/8 thru Sat night 9/9, leaving Sunday. The Inn has finally opened the new annex across the street so that there are now 12 rooms in the Inn, plus 4 rooms across the street in a newly renovated house. Rates for the rooms in the Inn are $45 to $50/night and the Annex rooms go for $75/night. Some rooms have multiple beds so they are suitable for guys that want to double-up. The annex rooms are newer and have bigger beds and may be a little quieter.

Just like before we'll hang out and eat dinner at the Inn, there is a restaurant about a block away that serves breakfasts. There's plenty of parking for trailers etc at the Inn...but ride your CBX and save the gas money!

Don't wait to reserve a room because they go on first come-first served basis. I tried to get them to hold the whole Inn but they wouldn't do that, however I was asked to have everyone tell them you were with the "CBX Club". Not exactly sure what that will accomplish..... Call 570-482-3000 to reserve. E-mail me if you have any questions.

Jack and Nancy Gutshall


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