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Hi CBXers,
"The CBX Book" ... It is presently being written and well underway, and tentative completion is Fall-2009!
You can be part of it ... have your CBX appear in "the CBX Book!"
As this is the CBX's 30th Anniversary (1979-2009) I have decided to write a Book on the CBX-marque ... yes, I may be mad! The purpose of this non-profit-making Book is primarily to get people talking about the CBX, and to help elevate the CBX to its rightful 'mantel' in Motorcycling History! I will send a free copy to every Motorcycle Magazine around the World that I can find, the remaining 1,000 copies will be sold at cost to CBXers who want them. The production costs of the Book will be as low as they can be for Printing and Postage (as it is being self-Published and self-Funded by me!), but aims to be a high-quality hard-back full colour Publication.
I would like to request any interesting photos or information you may have. If you have a CBX, I would like to include it in the Book. This is not a 'Technical Document' but rather aims to cover every aspect of CBXing and CBXers around the World. I have chapters on ...
CBX History: do you have old photos of when you first bought the Bike new? Any photos from 1978 to 80s?
Brochures/Adverts: do you have the original Honda brochures and adverts ... I need French, German, Italian and Australian adverts. I now have Honda's permission to reuse these.
Specials: Moto Martin, Spondon, Egli, Dresda, Dunstall, Rau, AMC, etc. Have you any information about Special-frame builders ... or do you own a Special Framed CBX?
Personal Specials: Streetfighter CBX, Chopper CBX, Turbo CBX, etc
Racing CBXs: Drag Bikes, Circuit, Racing Side-cars, etc.
CBX-combo: trikes, and sidecars
CBXer's Bikes: whatever your CBX is like ... Concours or 'Rat-Bike' no problem, get it in the Book for CBXers Worldwide to see! There will be a Chapter introducing the CBX-Z, CBX-A, CBX-B, and CBX-C so if you want your CBX to be in print, let me have the photos (ideally you on, or beside your CBX). Give me your details in the photo title eg. "Ian Foster, Limavady, N.Ireland.jpeg"
Photos : as high-resolution as possible please (digital file size 1.0MB+).
If you have photos or information of interest please contact me at:
... or 'Snail mail' the information to:
- Ian Foster, 8 Cloghan Rd., Limavady, N.Ireland, BT49 0PJ, United Kingdom ... or,
- Ian Foster, 'Seasons Palace #75,' 157 Kam Sheung Road, Pat Heung, New Territories, Hong Kong.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards, IAN FOSTER (N.Ireland and Hong Kong)
Work : www.udi-hk.com
Play : www.cam-hk.com
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