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Posted on Friday, May 07 @ 20:48:16 EDT by administrator

Rally News

Hey everyone,

The annual CBX meet in Reno(formerly Carson City), NV is a go! Got the word from Trish Trenoweth, the sales director for the facility today and we are all set. Darrell Peck set most of this up already so thanx to him for his efforts, too, he has been ill and hospitalized(home now)so I took care of the rest for him.

There are 8 ea. 1-king size bed rooms and 7(now 6, just made my reservation)2-queen bed rooms available at a cost of $92.65/night plus room tax, includes breakfast Sun. morning and we get preferred parking out front of the facility like last year.

Call (775)851-8300 and make your reservation, ask for one of the rooms for CBX club group/Mark Miller. Dates are 7/23 and 7/24/10 with checkout 7/25/10.Rooms not reserved by June 23rd, 2010 will be put back into hotel inventory-get 'em now, folks!

Facility address is: Reno Courtyard by Marriott-South 6855 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89511

Easy access off US395, from south, get on US395 freeway from business route and go up to Virginia St. exit and get off, go north past Green Acres Drive and turn left into facility(in back part of big strip mall)at Sierra Center Pkwy.

From north, get off US395 at Neil Rd./Del Monte Ln. exit and turn left under freeway and then turn right on S. Virginia St. and go down to Sierra Center Pkwy and turn right into strip mall, you will see the facility in the back.

Questions, call me at (818)841-2546 or Darrell at (805)388-3331, or email me at or here at and I will get back to you ASAP.

See you all there! I got our room already........ Ride/drive safe and keep the shiny side up.

Mark Miller & crew

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