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Posted on Monday, July 28 @ 11:20:46 EDT by administrator

Rally News dkrager writes "August 15th-17th
St. Clairsville Ohio.

Heres your chance to still make one of the largest CBX gatherings of the season.

If the weather kept you from coming to Marlinton or you just didn't get the seat time because of the rainy conditions here is a chance to make it up by attending the St. Clairsville Rally in Ohio.

The low populated roads of the quaint countryside and great accommodations make this one of the most attended CBX rallies over the years second only to Marlinton.

Its a mini Marlinton with better food, like Marlinton a few of us will be arriving a day or two early to savor the local hospitality and pre-run some of the best roads in the country, come join us if your up to it .

August 15th-17th
> Great Lakes Regional at St. Clairsville Ohio.

It’s Back! St. Clairsville Regional III Renew old friendships and share in the fellowship that this rally is famous for, Dog and buffet racing every night.

This is the site of one of the first Nationals the club ever put on and has some of the best roads in > the country.

Come join us in a group ride and dinner then back to the hotel for a dip in the pool and some fellowship in the parking lot.

The Days Inn of St. Clairsville Ohio is located at

I-70 at exit 220, six miles west of Wheeling WV. Mention the CBX club when reserving your room at > 58.50 + tax, 1-800-551-0106 reserve before Aug. 1st

A rally fee of $5.00 will be collected and registration is required to participate. Contact Jeff Bennetts at

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