11th Annual Jam To Julian. Saturday, November 12
Date: Wednesday, October 12 @ 17:01:35 EDT
Topic: Rally News

Hello CBXers: Just a short note to invite everyone to an upcoming ride.

On Saturday, November 12th, I’ll be leading a day ride to Julian, CA via Anza Borrego. After lunch at the Anza Borrego Resort, http://www.borregospringsresort.com we head up the back way to Julian (apple capital of Southern California) for some apple pie and ice-cream.

Here are some details: There will be two start points. The first start will leave from the Lookout (above Lake Elsinore) promptly at 9:15 AM. Get there early for a cup of coffee and introductions. From the lookout, we drop down to make our way to Hwy 79 in Temecula. Go East on Hwy 79 (about a mile) to the Shell/Del Taco (right side of 79) for a 10:00 AM start. Rider instructions and route maps will be given out before leaving Temecula.

If you plan to go, or need more details, drop me a line at de_clark@msn.com.

Hope to see you all on November 12th.

Regards, Dan “DynoDan” Clark

This article comes from Honda CBX Motorcycle World

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