A very Special Video
Date: Saturday, September 02 @ 14:23:34 EDT
Topic: Announcements

Here is a very special video that we were granted permission to add to our archives. Many thanks to the CBX Owner's Club of Japan and to Stefan Jung for submitting it. Please take a moment to stop by the club site and check them out.

Click to view Video

Hello Mr. Dave Krager,

My name is Michihiro Oda, the chairman of "CBX Owner's Club of Japan".

I would like to say "Hello" on behalf of all our club members. We are 150 members in Japan and Taiwan to share information and have rallies in Japan.

Every month small one and once in a year big one. Only two years past since we started this club officially, but would like to be active and contribute to CBX community by sending information about CBX that only we can get.

We would like to be in good relationship also friendship with you as CBX owner (nuts), If you come to Japan all we welcome you and take to Honda collection hall.


Michihiro Oda

CBX Owner's Club of Japan

This article comes from Honda CBX Motorcycle World

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