Date: Monday, July 28 @ 11:11:00 EDT
Topic: Rally News

August 15th through August 17th, 2003


Picture yourself and your CBX on a perfect summer day in a charming New England village with shops, restaurants and cafes, nestled in the heart of the beautiful White Mountains in northern New Hampshire. You are deciding whether to take a ride through Franconia Notch State Park, view the site of the Old Man in the Mountain, discover Lost River, or walk through the Flume Gorge. Perhaps you’ll go swimming in your motel pool or one of several lakes in the area.

You will be staying in one of the 19 rooms at the Carriage Motel ( www.carriagemotel.com ). The entire facility has been rented for this event by the rally organizer. The Carriage Motel features an outdoor pool, air conditioning, cable TV and a small refrigerator in every room. In addition, there is a game room with pool table, video games and more…

Friday we will arrive and explore the facility and the area. We will be enjoying a Friday Night Pizza Party by the river at the motel complete with salad, refreshments and desserts.

Saturday there will be rides scheduled or you may choose to explore the 25+ attractions in the area on your own or with friends, new and old.

Saturday evening we will enjoy an old fashioned cookout by the river that will include hot dogs, hamburgers (garden burgers by request), beans, salads, desserts and refreshments. A bon fire is planned.

Sunday, plan on a short group ride to Twin Mountain with stops for photos and whatever.

Rooms at the Carriage Motel range from $60 a night to $72 plus tax with a two-night minimum. Rooms must be reserved and paid for in advance through the “Rally Organizer” NOT the motel. You may call the motel for information at 603 745-2416, however they will not accept reservations for this event.

A Rally fee of $30 per adult, $15 per child under age 12, covers your Friday and Saturday night meals and rally insurance.

Please book your room by calling me directly at 203 777-7672 or email @ rpleines@snet.net. I will let you know room availability, costs and you must send your room and rally fee directly to me via check or money order.

Act fast. Room at the rally site is expected to go quickly. The cutoff date for registration will be July 12, 2003

Please call me at 203 777-7672 or e-mail me at rpleines@snet.net.

After contacting me to reserve your room, please send your registration rally fee and room payment to:

Richard Pleines
250 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06511

2003 Northeast Regional Rally Registration Form
Member Name _________________________________ ICOA Member # ___________
Guest Name(s) ___________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State/Zip _______________________
Phone Number ___________________________ Date ___________________________
E-mail ___________________________
Will you bring a CBX? ___Other Make? ___ Total Number of CBX’s Attending ______

Room Number Reserved ______
Total Cost for Room including tax $_________
(2-night minimum)
Number of Adults @ $30 ___ $ ________
Number of Children @ $15 _____ $ ________

Total Amount Enclosed $_____________
Please make your check payable to Richard Pleines

Please send your check or money order to:

Richard Pleines
250 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06511
203 777-7672
Rich Pleines
ICOA Member 1882

This article comes from Honda CBX Motorcycle World

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